Green space maintenance in winter
Turf does not rest
Although the lawn does not grow actively in winter, there are important tasks to be carried out – to keep the lawn plant fit and looking good again in spring. What needs to be done.
Leaves and other organic debris are not good for the lawn. Although they provide some protection from the weather, there is a downside: if the leaves are not removed, they could form a moisture chamber and cause harmful fungal infestation. Compact tractors with powerful swivel blowers (“Whisper Twister”) blow the areas clear in no time at all.
Underneath the sward, it stagnates in a different way. If the areas have been used intensively during the year, compaction horizons may have formed. The hardening impairs the air circulation in the soil, the absorption of nutrients and the removal of rainwater. This can also be remedied with an attachment, such as Wiedenmann’s subsoilers: they perforate or slit the soil and provide the roots with air again. This also improves water drainage.
If the pH value of the soil was tested in the fall and a lime application was recommended, winter is a good time for this. The lime then penetrates the soil more slowly and gently balances the pH value. A light winter fertilizer helps the lawn to survive the barren period better and to green up more quickly in spring.
Be careful in frosty weather: lawns should not be walked on to protect the plant parts from breakage. Barriers are a good idea. This will also reduce the amount of road salt entering the turf. Salt leads to “burns” and can cause lasting damage. The edge of the surface is particularly affected. It goes without saying that watering should not be carried out in sub-zero temperatures. However, it would be wrong not to water at all in winter. This is because (dry) winters also reduce soil moisture and can cause roots to die. Watering as required is therefore advisable all year round.
Regularly checking the sward is therefore also necessary in winter. The comparatively little work involved should pay off at the start of the season in the form of better growth and reduced subsequent work.
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Caption: Whether sports or ornamental turf: Even in winter, lawn plants need care. There are suitable attachments for every task, like this one from Wiedenmann. (Photo: Wiedenmann).
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