
New lawn tool from Wiedenmann
Fairway roller extends mowing interval
Wiedenmann upgrades its Terra Rake turf harrow. As a new tool option, the Fairway Roller now enables the rolling of natural grass. Many users have been waiting for this, because smoothing the blades not only saves a mowing pass, but also offers other advantages.
It’s not just savvy golf course greenkeepers who pull out all the stops to achieve top lawn care results. One of the most important maintenance measures is the removal of dead plant parts, leaves and superficial roots.
Wiedenmann, the manufacturer of maintenance machines, offers the Terra Rake attachment for this purpose, which is also available in a trailed version. It removes the unwanted lawn thatch from the turf. The high travel speed of up to 15 km/h and working widths of up to 4.6 m illustrate the manufacturer’s claim to offer users plenty of productivity. In addition, they can easily expand the working area of the machine with interchangeable tools. For example, by mounting a brush bar to turn the harrow into a brush system without further ado. Or with the finish tool, which allows the Terra Rake to be used for the maintenance of sand bunkers. Wiedenmann has now expanded this spectrum even further.
With the new Fairwayroller, a heavy smooth roller for the Terra Rake tool carrier, it is now possible to roll or iron the turf without having to purchase a new machine for this discipline.
The functional extension is exciting because it saves a complete mowing pass. Caretakers, pitch users and plants all benefit: For ball sports, the feel of the game improves, as higher rolling speeds result on “smooth” turf. For the turf plant, photosynthetic performance increases, as its blades remain standing longer, grow further and can thus soak up more sun. Finally, the mechanical forces of the roller stimulate the growth of the cell walls. With fewer fresh cut edges and a more robust wall structure, the plant is better equipped to ward off harmful organisms and fungal diseases. Last but not least, this increases the option of having to use fewer crop protection products.
The bottom line is a clear gain in benefit with reduced effort. Videos on the manufacturer’s new website at show the Terra Rake in action.
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Caption: New fairway roller from Wiedenmann on the harrow of the Terra Rake series: Rolling the lawn with existing implements offers many advantages (Photo: Wiedenmann)
Caption: View of a roller element: The pendulum bearing follows the floor contour (Photo: Wiedenmann)
Caption: Wiedenmann brand logo (Photo: Wiedenmann)
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Public Relations Wiedenmann
Mr. Björn Hoffmann
Telefon +49 (0)521 – 260 2513
Pressways PR, Ecos Office Center
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Mrs. Verena Schäch
Wiedenmann GmbH
D-89192 Rammingen
Tel 07345 – 9530
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